We have to admit to feeling as pleased as punch right now having recently been awarded five new contracts by the DWP. Please give a warm welcome to…
· Mid-Norfolk peer mentoring of people with convictions
· Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire peer mentoring of people with convictions
· Essex peer mentoring of people with convictions
· Essex money management
· Plymouth housing support
This will see us continue to work with old friends in Norfolk and Essex and, for the first time, expand our coverage to Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire and Plymouth.
(Even more) Peer Mentoring
We’ve been banging the drum for peer mentoring for yonks and will never stop doing so. We’re super excited to be delivering peer mentoring services in Norfolk and Essex again and for the first time in Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire.
Money Management
Jesse J wasn’t too wide off the mark when she told us all it was all about the money. We’re still feeling the lingering effects of the covid pandemic and add into the mix the cost-of-living crisis we’re facing. Managing money can be a challenge for anyone. Our Essex Money Management service will give us a chance to teach individuals the financial skills they need to build a stable future and compliments the same service we are delivering in East London.
Housing Support
In Plymouth, we're excited to start our housing support initiative. We all know that having a safe and stable place to call home is essential to personal growth and success. With this project, we'll be guiding people at risk of, or experiencing, homelessness. Our team will provide one-to-one support to coach participants through the housing system, help them to understand the processes and their rights and entitlements and work with them to find a place they can call home. We’re delighted to be delivering work in this field, broadening our horizons, and increasing our impact.
These five contracts will see us support over 150 people in the next 6-12 months. We have a couple of more announcements in the pipeline, keep your eyes peeled for further announcements.
If you are a commissioner of services like these or are involved in bidding to deliver services like these, and want to learn more about our work, do get in contact via the contact section of this website.