7. Measuring, managing and improving your impact
Support with case study management
Collaborate with a partner to coordinate case studies, maintain consent, and propose appropriate wording while ensuring reputational risk, data management, and candidate wellbeing are taken into consideration
What does success look like?
Effective case study management
Compliance with data protection and consent requirements
Minimised reputational risk and enhanced candidate wellbeing.
How would Offploy do it?
Establish open, transparent communication with your partner organisation, ensuring alignment and sharing progress updates regularly. Using a trusted partner organisation will ensure an additional level of scrutiny and consideration of the creation and use of case studies.
Create a comprehensive data management and consent policy, adhering to the UK's data protection regulations requiring candidate consent. See: How should we obtain, record and manage consent? | ICO
Prioritise candidate wellbeing by providing support and resources, creating a safe space for sharing experiences and concerns. It is important that your colleague understands how you propose to use information about them in case studies and other formats. Remember that whilst a generic consent may be provided by the colleague it is good practice and will build trust, if you obtain their consent for each separate usage of a case study or image of them in advance.
Collaboratively review and edit case study drafts with your partner organisation, maintaining accuracy, confidentiality, and avoiding sensationalism.
Continuously assess and refine your case study management process, evaluating its effectiveness and making necessary adjustments.
Examples in Practice
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We're still putting the finishing touches on our new Employing With Conviction Guide.