2. Recruitment procedures and policy development
Review essential policies in line with your strategy
Conduct a comprehensive review of key policies, including your ex-offender policy, to ensure clarity and compliance across your organisation. Address the impact of your ex-offender policy on other policies and align them with your strategy to support people with convictions.
What does success look like?
A thorough review of existing essential policies
An updated ex-offender policy in line with legal requirements
Alignment of other policies with the ex-offender policy
Compliance with relevant regulations
A clear strategy for supporting people with convictions.
How would Offploy do it?
Write an ex-offender strategy based on all the points in this guide. An effective strategy is much more than just a good Ex-Offender Recruitment Policy. You will need to consider how you target and market your job ads, your induction processes, whether you require partners and sub-contractors to sign up to your approach to ex-offenders, and how you embed a great culture across the whole of your business. Your strategy should encompass all of these elements and the training that will be required to implement them.
Ensure that your strategy is widely publicised and accessible on your website. To embed the culture of accepting and employing ex-offenders it is important that colleagues and trades unions understand and support the whole strategy. By publishing widely, including on your website, you will ensure that customers, partners and contractors can see and, hopefully follow, your example.
Review all existing policies to ensure that none conflicts with the strategy e.g. Safeguarding, Bullying & Harassment, and Data Protection policies. A possibly lengthy process but critical to ensure that policies are aligned in accordance with your overall strategy.
Regularly review your strategy and key policies in line with changing legislation. For most policies an annual review will suffice but having a process where your strategy and key documents can be amended on an ad hoc basis when key legislation passes will help to maintain the credibility of your approach. See: Review and update policies based on changing legislation
Examples in Practice
Nothing to see here... yet.
We're still putting the finishing touches on our new Employing With Conviction Guide.